Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Bankruptcy Means Test

Free Bankruptcy Means Test

The bankruptcy means test is really scary! Not really.

What is the bankruptcy means test? The means test is a series of calculations that are performed in order to determine a persons eligibility to receive a chapter 7 bankruptcy discharge.

Who can pass the bankruptcy means test? The easy answer is, if your debts are so high that no matter what you do you cannot pay down your debts, you will more than likely pass the means test. 

If you are not sure if you will pass the bankruptcy means test, you can take it for free before you file.

The online bankruptcy preparer called Zmt Bankruptcy offers a free bankruptcy means test on their website.

You might wonder why you cannot calculate the means test by yourself. The means test is very complex and uses several different pieces of governmental data to calculate a persons eligibility to receive a discharge. 

Because of this, calculating the bankruptcy means test without professional help is likely to result in inaccurate results.

It is better to get a free means test calculation from a professional. 

If you think that you will pass the means test and want an affordable way to get your bankruptcy prepared then you can find a list below of the best online bankruptcy preparers who provide a free means test with their standard services.

The website US Bankruptcy Reviews has reviews on all the top online bankruptcy preparers.

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